Inigo Jones Road, SE7

Place name

Inigo Jones (July 15, 1573 – June 21, 1652) the first significant architect in England in the early modern period. He revolutionised the concept of English building introducing the style of Italian mannerist buildings onto the streets of London. Among his works are St Paul’s Church in Covent Garden, of which he was also involved in the designing of the piazza; his lavish banqueting house in Whitehall; and his elegant Queen’s Chapel at St James’s Palace. Locally he designed the perfectly proportioned Queen’s House at Greenwich. This road within former grounds of Charlton House estate which includes features by or in the style of Jones. Jones was he was born in Smithfield, into a Welsh speaking family. Little is known of his early life but he served as an apprentice on the rebuilding of St Paul’s Cathedral. His obvious talents secured him the patronage of a wealthy benefactor who sent him to Italy to study. His career came to a crashing end with the defeat of the king during the English Civil War.


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