Liverpool Road, KT2

Place Name

Remembering the former prime minister Robert Banks Jenkinson (June 7, 1770 – December 4, 1828), 2nd Earl of Liverpool, better known as Lord Liverpool who retired to Coombe after suffering a cerebral haemorrhage at his Whitehall residence. He was very much a leader of two halves, on the one hand calling for repressive measures to maintain order after the Peterloo Massacre of 1819. He also steered the country through the period of radicalism and unrest that followed the Napoleonic Wars and abolished the death penalty for many offences. He favoured commercial and manufacturing interests as well as the landed interest, which resulted in a split Tory Party. Liverpool also sought a compromise of the heated issue of Catholic emancipation. When his first wife died he remarried her long-time friend Lady Mary Chester. Liverpool retired in April 1827 after suffering a severe stroke. He suffered another minor stroke in July, after which he lingered on at Coombe until a third attack on December 4, 1828, from which he died. The development of Liverpool Road and Crescent Road is shown on maps from 1868 with substantial completion by the turn of the 20thCentury.



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