Garfield Road, EN3

Place Name

It has been suggested that the name may have possibly derived from James Abram Garfield, the US president who was assassinated in 1881. He was just six months into his presidency when he was shot on July 2, 1881 by a deluded lawyer Charles Guiteau, who believed he had been cheated from office after helping Garfield’s campaign. Although not killed immediately, the president died on September 19, after his wounds became infected. Plans for three cottages were submitted in 1888 and the new houses were advertised four years later as near to Churchbury station, with its excellent service for workmen. It was not unusual to name roads after people or events that had been in the news, but the idea is pure speculation probably borne from the fact that Lincoln Road, is nearby. However, Lincoln Road is not named after the other murdered president but after a local estate.


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