Place Name The ancient manor after which this street was first recorded was written down as Aldermanesburi sometime around 1124,…
Place Name The ancient manor after which this street was first recorded was written down as Aldermanesburi sometime around 1124,…
Place Name Thought to be where a Saxon royal had once made their home since the first recorded name, from…
PLACE NAME A reference to the earlier Addiscombe Road, which according to East Croydon Community Organisation (ECCO) first appeared on…
Place Name Eadda or Æddi’s estate from an Anglo-Saxon personal name and the word camp, meaning an enclosed area in…
Place Name Remembering the hamlet which was subsumed into Kenley in the 20thCentury. The name Waddington goes back to Saxon…
Place Name Previously part of Featherbed Lane. The name Addington is a corruption of Eddintone, which was recorded in the…
Place Name Originally this road only extended between Longley Road and Lambeth Road in the mid-1860s. The name Addington is…
Place Name Previously Union Road it was renamed in 1948 although it apparently had many other names Blind Lane; Irish…
Place Name Directional the road leading from Shoreditch to Bethnal Green. The eastern end of the route has been in…
Place Name Descriptive, this was a small estate originally owned by George Crispin which was developed by 1873. Most of…