Every year dozens of books are published about the capital’s rich history, its vibrant culture, its magnificent architecture and its criminal past. LondonStreetGuide is an ambitious project to bring together all of that information into a micro-history guide, covering every street from the grandest avenue to its most humble path.
Rediscover London with LondonStreetGuide. The recent Covid-19 lockdown restrictions brought us back to our local areas. And now, as the city re-emerges from crisis, as it has done so many times before, its streets, its history and its people, take on renewed significance. With more and more people walking and cycling, we want to encourage this rediscovery of London.
All over the city are dozens of local history societies, doing great work on unearthing the forgotten stories of their local area. Much of this is published in books, bought by their members and by the borough libraries to put on their shelves in the reference sections. Occasionally these stories may surface in the local newspaper – usually when an important part of local history is in danger from developers. The aim of this project is to retell the stories and reach new audiences. By making these stories of the fabric of the local area more accessible, to engender – or reinvigorate – a source of pride in the communities we have a better chance of protecting them in the future. We believe that Londoners care about their city and by learning about the different parts that bond will only grow.
why have ads started appearing on the site?
From August 2021, if you’re a frequent visitor to LondonStreetGuide you will probably have noticed ads starting to appear on the site. We know it doesn’t look great, but given how our project has grown and evolved (thanks in so small part to your tremendous support) we’re now spending a lot of our own money researching, hosting and running the site. In the long term we want to do much more with it too, and we’re not the most tech-savvy so are going to need to employ people to help us do that. Any funds received through advertising will all be put back into the project so we can keep bringing you more and more streets.
Where are the apostropHes?
The use of apostrophes in street names has declined in recent years. We have tried to include them where they feature on road signs. But, unfortunately, many have been dropped as new signs are put up. Please let us know if the punctuation is still used.
No one likes to make mistakes. With a project of this size errors will crop up, spelling and literal mistakes too. We’d rather they didn’t happen in the first place and every care blah, blah, blah. But seriously, if you do spot something that is wrong, no matter how small, please let us know in the messages and we will correct it as soon as we can. If it a factual error it would be helpful if you could provide your own source of reference. And if we do change something significant, we’ll let you know on the page. It’s not that we are proud of the error but we do want to be honest, so we will change it as soon as we can and keep the original information up for a while highlighting the error. You can let us know either by emailing [email protected] or leaving a comment. Thank you.
Can I use your content for my website?
If you are interested in using the content on our website, please ask. We will allow a few streets to be used but would appreciate a link back to our website and to be informed beforehand. We reserve the right to charge £100 per entry used if we are not asked (this is purely to stop people lifting our work wholesale). Some of the photographs are other people’s work and we have asked for permission to use them for our website. We would be open to ideas from web developers. You can contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling 07790020579.
WHERE’s my street?
We are working our way through the streets as quickly as we can – but there are a lot! If your street isn’t here please let us know and we’ll do our best to include it. If you have any interesting information please feel free to get in touch by email [email protected].
How can I help?
We are a new project and we are trying to reach as many people as we can. Please help spread the word on social media sites. Our Twitter handle is @LondonStreetGu4 and we have a Facebook page too. Alternatively, if you want to get more involved… There are more than 70,000 streets across London, it is a lot of work. Please feel free to get in touch by email [email protected] and let’s see what we can do.
What is the loneliness project?
Loneliness is a growing problem in today’s society. As a couple Harriet and I were apart for a long time, it was the London Project, as it was originally called, that kept us in touch. The beauty of this project, is that everything matters. A memory, a photograph, an event, they are as important as the great people, the crime, the big events. If you have a computer and want to be involved please do get in touch and we can see what we can do. Email: [email protected]. Thanks.