Place Name With Springfield Community Park running beside this road, you may think that explains the street’s name. But in…
Place Name With Springfield Community Park running beside this road, you may think that explains the street’s name. But in…
Place Name A rather grand name, this road leads to Alexandra Park and Alexandra Palace, which was built on a…
Place Name A reference to the nearby Alexandra Palace which itself was named after Queen Alexandra of Denmark (December 1,…
Place Name Directional leading to Alexandra Park. The park is – along with the entertainment venue – named after Queen…
Place Name Directional leading to Alexandra Palace. It was built on a ridge on the site of Tottenham Wood and…
Place Name Originally plain High Street. The western end became Aldgate High Street and from Aldgate Station east Whitechapel High…
Place Name Previously Aldgate Street (Alegatestrete), a name that ran all the way down to Lime Street. Aldgate is a…
Place Name Directional, leading to Aldersbrook. This was previously Forest Road, running along the boundary of Wanstead Flats. According to…
Place Name A reference to the local area, Aldersbrook, which was named after the trees that grew here. According to…
Place Name The ancient manor after which this street was first recorded was written down as Aldermanesburi sometime around 1124,…