Cromer Road, SW17

Place Name

So-called after the picturesque seaside town on the north coast of Norfolk, best known for its Victorian-era pier and the Cromer crab. The name of the town, and hence the street, comes from the Old English words crāwe and mere, meaning “crow-frequented pond”. The name has been recorded since the 13th century. This is one of ten streets running north-south sandwiched between Links Road and Seely Road which were named after consecutive letters of the alphabet running from A to J. They were laid out on Tooting Golf Course around the 1910s. Each named for a place in Britain, and most, but not all, after seaside towns. Alphabet streets were a popular device of developers when naming large estates, allowing them to pick traditional names that were popular with home buyers and create a uniformity, without having to put too much effort in.


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