Cabul Road, SW11

Place Name

An alternative spelling for the Afghanistan capital of Kabul, which was used for this street name following the British victory against Afghan forces in the Second Anglo-Afghan War which ran from 1878 to 1880. The Battle of Kabul which started on December 23, 1879 led to the defeat of the Afghan tribesmen under Mohammed Jan a month later. It was the beginning of the end for the rebel forces. The war’s roots lay in the Amir of Afghanistan, Sher Ali Khan’s refusal to accept a British diplomatic mission to Kabul. Having, not unreasonably, turned back the mission, the British decided to put on a show of strength and invade. Like many streets laid out at the time of the British Empire, jingoistic builders named them after imperial wars and its major figures as a show of patriotism and to encourage house sales. Apparently the area of this street is known as “Little India”.



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